Erica Whiting
 · she/her • Licensed Clinical Psychologist • AATBS EPPP Coach

My test date is getting closer and I'm running out of time. What should I study?!

While I don't recommend or advocate for cramming, every now and then, test takers find themselves in situations where their test date is getting closer and progress isn't quite where they need it or they've gotten a little behind in their studying, but are determined to take their exam as scheduled. Naturally, they want to know what they should focus on and how to best use their time. Check out the tips below to help you prioritize your time and study more efficiently.

Use your practice test scores as a guide. 

You'll be able to identify areas where you're strong and areas where you could improve. Look at the incorrect responses and group them into domains or content areas and identify why it was incorrect. Sometimes it's a matter of needing to study more but it can also be misreading, inattention to details from rushing, losing stamina, and more.

Start with your weaker areas in the more heavily emphasized domains. 

The table below represents the domain breakdown from the ASPPB'S EPPP Candidate Handbook. The handbook also includes content areas within each domain, so make sure to focus on those key concepts before branching out. 

Prioritize what you can pick up quickly and easily.

If you have limited time, it's best to get more bang for your buck and focus on concepts you can easily build upon rather than using the same amount of time fighting to learn something over and over and it just not sticking. 

Take practice exams. 

Make sure to review your answers and rationales shortly after taking the practice exam. This will help you prioritize what to study before taking another practice exam. Practice exams are a limited resource so you want to use them strategically and learn from incorrect responses.