Erica Whiting
 · she/her • Licensed Clinical Psychologist • AATBS EPPP Coach

To Study or Not to Study Over the Holidays….


The decision to study or not study over the holidays is a personal one that is highly dependent on your values and individual needs. You might be feeling the pressure to keep up or catch up and at the same time would love to spend some quality time with friends and family, while others may be struggling with the thought of having to look at one more book or flashcard. As you reflect on whether or not to study this holiday season, take the following into consideration:

Consider where you are in the study process.

If you’ve made quite a bit of progress and find yourself in the maintenance and review phase, consider taking a break. Even if you’re just getting started, there are ways to budget your time so you can still spend time doing things you enjoy, but it will require you to be proactive and create a structured plan to meet your study goals for the remainder of the week. If you tack on just an extra 30 minutes each day, you can free yourself of 1-2 days of studying. 

What are your deal breakers?

There are certain things in your life that are non-negotiable. While this exam is important and should be taken seriously, there are aspects of your life that are also important. Are there friends and family that you would miss or memories that wouldn’t get made if you closed yourself up in your office to study? If so, consider taking a break or at least studying on a modified schedule so you can hold space for those people and things that are important to you. 

How full is your cup?

It’s been a long year for many people, so do a quick scan of your mental health needs and be honest with yourself. How are you doing? When was the last time you did something for yourself? Would studying fill your cup or empty it? Not sure how you’re faring in the self-care department? Try the Provider Resilience app. It’s free and available at the App Store and Google Play.

How can you use this time to fill your cup? 

Sometimes family gatherings can be just as stressful as studying for the EPPP, but we do it anyway because it’s important. So regardless of what you choose, consider what you can do to recharge and bounce back from the gatherings and/or studying. 

What are some things that are important to you that will help you recharge? 

Sipping tea with a good, non-EPPP related book? Getting coffee with friends? Going for a run? Add this to your holiday schedule. Taking care of yourself will ultimately increase your ability to study more efficiently and effectively.


If you decide that you should study over the holidays, check out this post on ways to effectively find balance and set yourself up for success.

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