Candi Lemoine
 · User Experience Developer / Project Manager

Teletherapy Guide for Vermont

General Guide (All Licensures)

Practitioners holding an active Vermont license may provide teletherapy services to Vermont residents. See page on clarification Vermont Regulations.


COVID NOTE:  Existing Vermont Telemedicine Laws require services provided by live, interactive audio only from a practitioner licensed in Vermont. Emergency Vermont Law H.742  allows for audio only, facsimile and email to provide services and for services provided by other practitioners in certain circumstances. See the Office of Professional Regulation Website for updated information.



Ψ PSYPACT State; click here to read more. (Vermont has legislation that is currently pending)

Teletherapy included with a state license. Must abide by all in-person care standards. Also see 26 V.S.A. § 3018 which clarifies the Board's jurisdiction when providing services to clients outside of Vermont.

Social Work

Teletherapy included with a state license. Must abide by all in-person care standards. 

Marriage & Family Therapy

Teletherapy is included with a state license. Must abide by all in-person care standards. 


Teletherapy included with a state license. Must abide by all in-person care standards. Â